Styled Shoot at Highgrove Farm Valdosta - Velas Studio 🥇 ✅

Styled Shoot at Highgrove Farm Valdosta

Styled Photoshoot for AW Bridal


Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Styled Photoshoot Highgrove Farm by Velas Studio

The Story Behind this Styled Shoot

Llevábamos tiempo ansiosos por organizar un Styled Shoot con creativos en Valdosta y cuando AW Bridal nos mandó sus vestidos para cualquier sesión, vimos la oportunidad perfecta para llevar a cabo este proyecto que tanto queríamos.

El primer paso fue trabajar en una cuadro inspiracional con varias ideas que mostraban nuestra visión, mostrársela a los proveedores con los que queríamos trabajar y orar que quisieran participar . Afortunadamente todos aceptaron y estaban muy emocionados de formar parte del proyecto, lo cuál fue un bendición ya que todos son extremadamente talentosos. Aségurate de descubir quiénes fueron al final de este post.


We had been wanting to organize a Styled Shoot with creatives in Valdosta for so long!, and when AW Bridal contacted us to send us some dresses for us to use for photo shoots, we saw the perfect opportunity to execute this project.

The first step was to design a mood board with several ideas that showed our vision, send it to the vendors we wanted to work with and pray that they would want to participate. Fortunately, all of them accepted and they were very excited to be part of the project, which was a blessing since they are all so extremely talented. Make sure to find out who they are at the end of this post!

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

Valdosta Madrid Wedding Photographers

The Creatives

Realizar este Styled Shoot fue una gran experiencia. Estamos muy agradecidos por todos los que participaron y estamos emocionados de volver a realizar otra, ¡esta vez en Madrid, España!


Photographing this Styled Shoot was an amazing experience and we are very grateful for all those who participated. We cannot wait to shoot another one, in Madrid Spain this time!


Fotografía/Photography:  Velas Studio

Video: Damian Grey

Maquillaje/Makeup: Makeup by Adeana

Peinado/Hair: Hair By Rachel Quick

Vestidos/Dresses: AW Bridal

Accesorios/Headpieces: AW Bridal

Locación/Venue: Highgrove Farm

Modelos/ Models: Katie Rothenhofer, Claire McLane 

Asistencia/ Assistance: Trino Hernández

 Contáctanos acá / Let’s get in touch!